Many people dream of reeling in the big one or of getting that trophy animal. We’ve not only dreamed it, but have actually experienced it and what a rush!

That’s why we’re here, to help you experience that rush.

Canadian World Class Adventures is a booking agency that caters to you, the outdoor enthusiast. It is a combination of 11 years of hands on experience operating a Four-Star fly-in American Plan Lodge, with 10 fly-in Outpost Camps in Northern Manitoba and Ontario. We also have more than 20 years of hunting and fishing in Canada, the United States and South America. During this time, we have had the opportunity to meet and work with many owners and operators of world class outfitters including those in Canada, the United States, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic.

Our goal is simple. It is to provide you, the outdoor enthusiast, with the best hunting, fishing or sightseeing experience possible at no additional expense. No groups are too big or too small!

So don’t delay, let us be the ones you choose to help plan your next Canadian World Class Adventure and make it the one you’ll remember forever!

We want your Canadian Adventure to be a World Class one!

Call, write or email us today for a copy of our full-color catalogue!

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